Literacy Programs in Serious Trouble

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New York's literacy programs are in dire straits, thanks to budget cuts by the governor. According to the Literacy Suffolk website, "Governor Paterson’s 2010-11 Executive Budget continues the approximately $612,000 cut imposed by the 2009-10 Deficit Reduction Plan, AND further reduces funding to this vital program by an additional $2 million. Combined, the cuts represent a 38% reduction to this modest program!!"

How can you help?

The Literacy Groups of Long Island are asking residents for your support.  If you're available, consider attending the press conference on Friday, April 9 at 12 noon at the Farmingdale Public Library.
Can't make it on such short notice? Contact members of the state legislature and voice your support for Adult Literacy Programs. A preprinted script is available to help those of you who are too nervous to get the words out on your own.

And of course, come to Pindar Vineyards in Peconic on Saturday, May 8 from 12-3 pm. Buy a few books. Help another Long Islander learn to read.

Thanks so much!


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