Wednesday, May 12, 2010
On Saturday, May 8, twelve generous authors donated their time and their talents at Pindar Vineyards to a fundraising event for Literacy Suffolk. At the end of three hours, we'd raised $464.00 for this worthwhile organization!
Today, I received the following letter from the staff of Literacy Suffolk:
May 10, 2010
Ms. Gina Ardito, President
Dunes & Dreams Romance Writers
Dear Gina,
I think it’s safe to say that Literacy Suffolk had never before been in the same thought-stream as “romance” before Dunes & Dreams stepped in. Thanks for heating things up!
Our sincere thanks to all of the authors who offered their time, good spirit, and craft for the benefit of adult literacy this past Saturday at Pindar Winery. Everyone’s thoughtfulness and good will has been truly wonderful. Your collective support will help fill an often embarrassing and painful void in students’ lives, and we gratefully accept Dunes & Dreams donation on their behalf.
Gini Booth, Executive Director
Suzanne Smith, Community Affairs
Christine Moriarty, Finance
Susan Shiloni, Testing and Assessment
Jenn Vasell, Data and Web Manager
It's never too late to donate. The smallest pittance, (five dollars; ten) can make a difference in someone's life. Check out Literacy Suffolk's website for ways you can help!
I hope we'll see you next year when we do it all again. Until then...thank you to all who participated, visited, or helped in any way.